There are times that I feel über privileged to live in Portland. Researching our local CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) is one of those times.
A quick zip code search on Local Harvest pulls up six pages within the vicinity. There are farms that are basic full / half share vegetables, more specialty locations with heirloom varieties, berries, meats, egg shares, honey shares, etc.
I have been assessing my needs and determined that heirloom varietals of fruits and veggies are a necessity along with the option of an egg share and convenient pick up.
I am leaning towards Viridian Farms mostly because they do fresh herbs along with fruits and veggies including squash blossoms, radicchio, cardoon. mmmm.
Others I considered are:
Winter Green Farm
Dancing Roots Farm
Pumpkin Ridge Gardens - Year Round
Love Farm Organics
I recommend this as a way to indulge in locally grown produce. Local Harvest is a great resource and has lists of CSAs across the US.